Thursday, July 31, 2014

Poopy Pool

There are no words for what the last two hours consisted of.

This morning I thought of how I missed my friend and was longing for some woman chat time. Even if it meant the kids made a mess or watched an insane amount of TV, endless treats, and iPad use just to make it possible.

So I sent a text... and voila we made it happen. 
                                                                                           Of course all of the above mentioned craziness ensued quickly. But we managed to microwave our coffee and fit in bits of conversation and connection amidst the chaos of four little boys four and under.

Then some of the unthinkable happened... The volume was just too much to stay inside our little ransacked living room. So we made our way outside. There is our small kiddie swimming pool, which at the moment was filled with mud and muck. It was pretty disgusting. Little Brooklyn (not quite one years old yet) kept wanting to splash and play, so we eventually let him get in. Which led of course to Caleb & Connor taking off their clothes and jumping in. So we have four little boys playing in this disgusting pool. We had to stop them from drinking the water multiple times... but hey-- we are in this together and getting to connect... well worth it.

I kept eyeing little Brooklyn's diaper as in enlarged rapidly (not a swimmie diaper we were going with the flow here folks.) I kept wondering is it brown in there from all the muck and dirt in the water or did he actually poop. So finally we take a peek... it's poop alright and it's filled up. So I'm holding Cade trying to keep Brooklyn up while Mel runs to get wipes. It was some of the nastiest baby diaper filling I'd seen. We managed to clean up, get the sopping diaper in the trash, manage the boys and figured what every normal mom would right?!?!? Just go ahead and let him in now, he's already pooped, he's good to go.

WRONG. Very very wrong. Minutes later Mel spots a lovely little "log" at the bottom then we realize along with the dirt floating there are some carrot chunks. We go into crazy mommy mode and get him and the rest of the boys out of the pool. Try playing catch with the log in the pool.. until we realize we just have to dump it all. We set the babies down and try to drag this heavy load of a pool into the grass area.

And the story really should end there. But instead we realize while dragging and dumping the pool and all of its chunks into the grass we somehow riled up a pile of ants and they are crawling all over us. I mean literally all over my feet, my legs... on boys. Then I look over and Caleb is peeing all over the door, ground, fan, etc. Cade is crying. And what can you do but.... LAUGH.

As we're finally cleaning up and getting inside Connor decides to throw handfuls of MY organic corn flakes all over the ground inside & out. Sort of the icing on the cake.

So we survived, as you can imagine we were both ready for naptime and I rewarded myself with a quiet lunch by myself in bed rather than attacking the piles of laundry and dishes. And writing this craziness down, because we do it all FOR THE LOVE and I want to remember these crazy stories to share with them one day and just LAUGH about the poopy pool and all.

"Be sure to celebrate the many small things.. bright days, good friends and anything with sprinkles."  Mel & I saw this on my counter and commented on how good this is and what we're doing... celebrating life. (Even with dirty feet and dirty floors!) This is good living.

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