Wednesday, August 13, 2014

There are funner things...

School starts for my little first grader tomorrow, and like any well-organized mother I have waited until the last minute to get said child ready for his school year... as best as I can.
I took him school clothes/supplies shopping two nights ago and was thrilled when he reached for a "United States Army" backpack (it is camouflage but cannot be referred to as such because it's his United States Army backpack, Mom!) instead of the weird charactered ones that creeped me out a bit. We waited way too long and our selection now consisted of knock off versions of real cartoons with geometric heads and giant eyes or patterned ones that were not cool enough!  Thank God for that last USA backpack in the bottom of the seriously destroyed pile.  Thank GOD!
After what seemed like forever in line with a child who seemed to have ants in his pants that I am coming to find out is just typical boy behavior, we finally were able to check out.  I watched as my big six year old helped an elderly man pick up his cigarettes that he had dropped on the floor as I paid for our loot, holding back every grossed out comment that kept trying to leak out of my mouth to prevent such a sweet gesture.
My part was done and now I handed the baton off to dad who would take him to get his first non-mom cut since who knows when at a real barber shop.  I had planned to meet them later into the cut with the golden child (aka the albino terrorist) knowing that vandalism may ensue... and I was not disappointed. 

Jake walked up and down every inch of that 10ft by 10ft room, rolling on the hair covered floor, and playing on the very chair that Michael was sitting in to get his hair cut. 
At the end I had both a freshly groomed soon to be first grader, and a second child who was graciously given a neck shave by the incredible Evan Boling!  Success!
 Alas we were finished and it was now time to take the boys home; Jake securely nestled in my arm like a football as to not smack my face or kick me  repeatedly because we are leaving and he doesn't want to.  Michael walks beside me and starts talking about his excitement for the first grade.  We talk awhile and then that moment happened; the one when I wish I had had my phone on record to capture exactly how wonderful having children truly is sometimes. 
I can't wait to tell all of my friends about my summer.
Oh yea, Michael.  What was your favorite part?
I really liked going camping with Aunt Lisa. We went on the boat and I fell in the water.  Good thing I had my life saver on. 
Yes, the life jacket.  I bet you thought it was fun to float around in that.
Yea.  But mom, I don't want to do that again.  There are funner things to do... like playing with wrestlers or petting a cat.
OR PETTING A CAT.  That was a legitimate more fun experience than boating in Shaver Lake. My six year old is by far the least of my worries when it comes to taking risks or getting hurt.  I would be very surprised if he attempts anything bone-brakingly dangerous before he graduates high school.  Especially if his idea of most fun things to do during summer break tops out at petting a cat.  As far as AT (albino terrorist) goes, well I will probably be writing from a hospital ER one day soon.  Keep posted!
Children... they have a way of making you laugh... FOR THE LOVE!


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