Saturday, July 26, 2014

Moms Know Best

It is summertime and blazing hot outside so in light of Rich already having a beach trip planned with our interns, we decided to pack up the boys and all go with him as well.  The forecast, 71 degrees; the perfect weather for our little albino to run in the sun without mom having to plaster him several times in sunscreen.  Because there are no two things that pair worse together than sand… and sunscreen.  Unless you count lipstick and couches, which is a story for another day but I digress.
The beach.  Perfect summer bliss.
That was until we got there and it was really 90 outside, thanks weather people, which meant that once again half of the time I would be fighting my little one to cover every square inch of his very pale body with sunscreen that lacked the magical powers it would need to possess to really protect it from the death rays that most of us call sunlight.  He doesn’t know it now as he pushes away- screaming and yelling- but mom really does know best.    
At first he wanted nothing to do with the “pool” (also known as the ocean) but soon found how wonderful it was to have the waves brush over your feet and he was hooked.  “Throw sand, play in water, have mom douse me in sunscreen, repeat” that was his day.  At one point we even buried an intern and Jake found it quite comical to sit beside him covering his mouth and throwing dirt at his face.  Who am I kidding; we all found it quite comical.  Even passersby would get a good chuckle out of it as they stopped for a few minutes to watch the commotion. 

As the day began to wind down we headed for the cars and that’s when I spotted it.  The sun burn.  Not just any sun burn but a giant red raccoon-eyed sunburn.  He had rubbed his eyes so much (from crying, being exhausted from skipping a nap, and hating that horrid sunscreen on his face) that he had wiped off any thing standing between him and the Death Star.  (Star Wars reference for the sun, my mom will appreciate that one)
So here we sit the next day.  Fighting with him to spray aloe vera all over his puffy lobster-colored eyes in hopes that it can help to keep them from peeling; which of course feels great I’m sure as we rub it over his barely scabbed forehead from falling out of a hammock only a few days before.  And of course we get the pleasure of reapplying every few hours… again. 

Children.  They fight the very things that were created to help them.


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