Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Count on Crazy

So I once heard this thought shared at our MOPS meeting...  (fyi: if you aren't connected to one, you should! It's a lifeline for mommies of tinies) ... The line was "count on crazy." 

Oh how that can be such a helpful perspective to have in the daily tasks and chaos we call mommyhood. I have found so many times when I could break down and cry, or scream my head off, or call the husband for a 911-- that I slow down and remember to "count on crazy." When we do this, it makes it a lot easier to laugh over the spilled drink on the light carpet, the nail polish on your four year old son, the three year old playing wrestling with your nine-month old (which all of this has happened to me in just these past few hours.) 

This is the life. Did we dream of all of the messy details? Probably not. But they come with the package-- and it's still the best. 

But my thoughts don't stop there, some of you can... But there's a few of us that need to keep reading (or processing). I would like to one up it and say, "count on the craziest!" 

So this morning we went to the Sacramento Children's Museum (another fyi: if you are local, you need to become a member there! Another lifeline!) So I already knew to count on crazy as I'm one of the few mommies there with three kids and alone. I don't have my fancy camera out and we are never dressed in mommy/kid fashion... We are in survival fun mode. Baby strapped to me, Caleb off who knows where (but it works- we've been going since he was a baby) and Connor insisting I follow his every move and carry his toys and hide from the alligators. 

Then over the loud speaker they say, hello everyone. It's now time for a science project in the party room! I tell Connor to stay while I go make sure Caleb has managed his way there. Of course he was already seated with his goggles and lab coat on. (Adorable.)

So to keep a long story short, the science project was a cup of water in a pan (to collect spillage). First you put soap in the cup and stir. Caleb does great, Connor decides to be the one and only "craziest" and eat it! Ew. Then they add food coloring, then baking soda... Connor takes another spoonful to the mouth! (Ah! I can't catch it all. Holding Cade & helping Caleb.) The finale to the project has arrived! The citric acid to make the "mini explosion"-- lots of foaming. Caleb does his and then definitely one ups his brother. Everyone is politely stirring their cups, oohing & aahing over the foam magic... When Caleb decides to pour his out everywhere and put his hands all in it and make a total disaster. (Picture taken before the disaster!) 

This is where the "count on the craziest" happens. I could get angry and scold him, I could get embarrassed and leave the room fighting tears, I could've been very stern and made him embarrassed and humiliated (<-- these were all options in my mind... all the while Connor is still test-tasting his chemicals! And I'm feeling like a spotlight is shining on us while everyone else is playing by the rules.) But I kindly smiled, coached him that we weren't meant to pour it out, let's help clean up... And kindly exited pretty quickly after having him put his items away and thank the teacher. I'm thankful for the perspective that has been taught and caught here. I don't want to scold my children for being adventurous, curious, and messy-- just because it can maybe be "embarrassing" that they're not doing it like everyone else. 

To top it all off, when we arrived at the safe haven of home ready to eat and relax, I dropped the jar of strawberry jam which resulted in lunch plans ruined, an insane mess to clean up... But I was able to laugh it off and remain calm. Thank you Lord for these lessons learned & molding me daily in this life of mommyhood. I will continue to "count on the craziest" and try to soak up every moment. 

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing perspective thanks for this today! I always say I don't want to kill their spirit just maybe hone it in a little in places :)
