Monday, February 23, 2015

Stop Copying Me!

By Vanessa Shepherd

We have arrived.  We have made it.  I didn't think we were there yet, but alas here we are.  We are now the proud parents of a giant COPY CAT. I am so excited. *eye roll*  When did this become SO FUN?  Because Michael thinks he is the funniest thing since the fart sound now that he has discovered how to repeat Every. Single. Thing. I. Say.



"Michael" (said with a "oh Dear God, please don't start that again" tone)

"Michael" (said in the exact tone but done through an overly eager grin)

"Michael stop it."

"Michael stop it."

"Oh my word."

"Oh my word."

"Michael, what do you want?"

"Michael, what do you want?"

"Oh so nothing."

"Oh so nothing."

I see where this is going so I make my move...

"I'm a girl."

"I'm a girl."  

Instantly, without hesitation, he confesses a completely ridiculous statement.
I now realize his commitment to see this thing out. It's game time.

*insert extremely long, run on sentence full of all things hilarious to a six year old boy including but not limited to the words "diarrhea" "butt explosion" and "fart"*

Yes I realize that I pretty much just handed over my dignity, but it worked and he started laughing which meant he stopped repeating long enough to end the game. A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do.

So here we are.  In the season of life when our son finds imitation as an acceptable form of comedy. I have heard many things about imitation, one being that it is the highest form of flattery, but I can say it is a hilarious game to play... until it isn't.  Until we start imitating the wrong thing, and the world sees how far it can go with this game to get Christians to say and do the dumbest things. Then it isn't very funny.  

So laugh away little man.  I love these conversations.  I love these games we play.  But one day mommy is going to use this moment to tell you about how God made you unique, one of a kind, and it would be such a travesty to lose you to an imitation.  Be YOU, little man.  I love the YOU that God made you to be.  And I would miss the YOU that I have come to know if you ever chose to try to be like someone or something else. 

Children, the game of life is not wasted on them... FOR THE LOVE!

Romans 12:2
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world..."

Ephesians 5:1
"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children."